
How many stars are there in teh northern hemp?

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How many stars are there in teh northern hemp?




  1. What is a hemp?

    I'm guessing you mean hemisphere.

    If that is the case, your question actually makes even less sense. There are no stars inside hemispheres.

    But if you meant how many are visible from the northern hemisphere, well, it's said that a total of 4000 stars can be seen at once from one vantage point on Earth on a clear day (night).

  2. To many to count

  3. This really has a lot of variables which determine an approximate answer.

    1. What is the date?

    2. What time at night?

    3. What is the weather like?

    4. Are you close to a city or are you high up in the mountains?

    5. Where in the Northern Hemisphere are you?

    6. Is the moon out?

    7. If the moon is out, then what phase is it in?

    The best answer to give you would be roughly 5 - 10 thousand visible stars depending upon the above conditions.

    A lot of things are involved with star gazing.

    So have a star!

  4. Half of the stars that exist in the universe(ie: billions and billions of stars. Humans cannot count the exact number because they are constantly multiplying and being destroyed.

  5. It depends on how much hemp you smoke.

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