
How many states have attempted to claim sovereignty from the Federal government?

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How many states have attempted to claim sovereignty from the Federal government?




  1. Lets see.  I heard Cali tried once.  So did the New England states.  Also did the south.

  2. none

  3. there were a few that tried that back in the 1850's...many, many people died

    but hey, slavery opponets won!

  4. Only Vermont. They wanted to annex with Canada but they did not want them. Peace

  5. and why did the south not have the right to seceed, what changed in the contitution between 1848 and 1861?"Any people, anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable and most sacred right - a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world. Nor is this right confined to cases in which the whole people of an existing government may choose to exercise it. Any portion of such people, that can may revolutionize and make their own of so many of the territory as they inhabit.

    Abraham Lincoln

    January 12, 1848

  6. Lol, civil war was in the 1860's, kid.  And slavery's opponent's didn't win.  Lincoln said many times he had no desire to end slavery.  He was in fact a white supremacist.  In reality, tyrants won.  Yay for a bloated overbearing Federal Gov't! (sarcasm)


    Yeah, the below guy is right.  It shouldn't even be called the Civil War - it was a war of Northern Agression.  Thousands of women and children in the south were raped and murdered thanks to Lincoln.  He didn't declare war (isn't that what you guys hate Bush for?) but invaded anyways (last I checked, Ft. Sumner was in S. Carolina).  He suspended habeus corpus, locked up northern newspaper editors, and all that jazz.  He even proposed an amendment to the South, to allow them to come back to the Union and keep slavery.  The war was not about slavery, it was really more of a second American revolution - it was about freedom.  Unfortunately this time, the tyrants won, and we are still paying for it today.

  7. Outside of the CSA during the civil war-none.

  8. the 13 confederate states fought the yankees foir almost 5 years in the War of Northern Agression.

  9. The Confederate States did in the Civil War, it did not work out well for them.

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