
How many states in usa and what they are?

by Guest32264  |  earlier

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How many states in usa and what they are?




  1. There are 50 states.

    ALABAMA                         AL

    ALASKA                          AK

    AMERICAN SAMOA                  AS

    ARIZONA                         AZ

    ARKANSAS                        AR

    CALIFORNIA                      CA

    COLORADO                        CO

    CONNECTICUT                     CT

    DELAWARE                        DE



    FLORIDA                         FL

    GEORGIA                         GA

    GUAM                            GU

    HAWAII                          HI

    IDAHO                           ID

    ILLINOIS                        IL

    INDIANA                         IN

    IOWA                            IA

    KANSAS                          KS

    KENTUCKY                        KY

    LOUISIANA                       LA

    MAINE                           ME

    MARSHALL ISLANDS                MH

    MARYLAND                        MD

    MASSACHUSETTS                   MA

    MICHIGAN                        MI

    MINNESOTA                       MN

    MISSISSIPPI                     MS

    MISSOURI                        MO

    MONTANA                         MT

    NEBRASKA                        NE

    NEVADA                          NV

    NEW HAMPSHIRE                   NH

    NEW JERSEY                      NJ

    NEW MEXICO                      NM

    NEW YORK                        NY

    NORTH CAROLINA                  NC

    NORTH DAKOTA                    ND


    OHIO                            OH

    OKLAHOMA                        OK

    OREGON                          OR

    PALAU                           PW

    PENNSYLVANIA                    PA

    PUERTO RICO                     PR

    RHODE ISLAND                    RI

    SOUTH CAROLINA                  SC

    SOUTH DAKOTA                    SD

    TENNESSEE                       TN

    TEXAS                           TX

    UTAH                            UT

    VERMONT                         VT

    VIRGIN ISLANDS                  VI

    VIRGINIA                        VA

    WASHINGTON                      WA

    WEST VIRGINIA                   WV

    WISCONSIN                       WI

    WYOMING                         WY

  2. 50, and we have a few territories,

    puerto rico, guam, maybe another one, can't remember,

    as far as the names 4 em, you could look it up on line quicker than I can type em.

  3. ' My Yahoo' ONLY; FIND-OUT !

  4. There are 50 States

    Alabama, Montgomery

    Alaska, Juneau

    Arizona, Phoenix

    Arkansas, Little Rock

    California, Sacramento

    Colorado, Denver

    Connecticut, Hartford

    Delaware, Dover

    Florida, Tallahassee

    Georgia, Atlanta

    Hawaii, Honolulu

    Idaho, Boise

    Illinois, Springfield

    Indiana, Indianapolis

    Iowa, Des Moines

    Kansas, Topeka

    Kentucky, Frankfort

    Louisiana, Baton Rouge

    Maine, Augusta

    Maryland, Annapolis

    Massachusetts, Boston

    Michigan, Lansing

    Minnesota, St. Paul

    Mississippi, Jackson

    Missouri, Jefferson City

    Montana, Helena

    Nebraska, Lincoln

    Nevada, Carson City

    New Hampshire, Concord

    New Jersey, Trenton

    New Mexico, Santa Fe

    New York, Albany

    North Carolina, Raleigh

    North Dakota, Bismarck

    Ohio, Columbus

    Oklahoma, Oklahoma City

    Oregon, Salem

    Pennsylvania, Harrisburg

    Rhode Island, Providence

    South Carolina, Columbia

    South Dakota, Pierre

    Tennessee, Nashville

    Texas, Austin

    Utah, Salt Lake City

    Vermont, Montpelier

    Virginia, Richmond

    Washington, Olympia

    West Virginia, Charleston

    Wisconsin, Madison

    Wyoming, Cheyenne

  5. United States of America or United States, popularly referred to as the United States or as America, a federal republic on the continent of North America, consisting of 48 contiguous states and the non-contiguous states of Alaska and Hawaii. Outlying areas include Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, and the US Virgin Islands. The conterminous 48 states are bounded on the north by Canada, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, on the south by the Gulf of Mexico and Mexico, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean. The northern boundary is partly formed by the Great Lakes and the St Lawrence River; the southern boundary is partly formed by the Rio Grande. New York is the largest city in the United States. Washington, D.C., is the capital.

  6. the USA has 50 states, 4 of which call themselves "commonwealth" instead of "state" (Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Massachusetts and Virginia). There is also a federal district, the District of Columbia.

    here is a link that will get you to sources for all sorts of information for each state

  7. Ello

    Hi had a test about this yesterday

    There are 50

    Alabama, Montgomery (AL)

    Alaska, Juneau (AK)

    Arizona, Phoenix (AZ)

    Arkansas, Little Rock (AR)

    California, Sacramento (CA)

    Colorado, Denver (CO)

    Connecticut, Hartford (CT)

    Delaware, Dover (DE)

    Florida, Tallahassee (FL)

    Georgia, Atlanta (GA)

    Hawaii, Honolulu (HI)

    Idaho, Boise (ID)

    Illinois, Springfield (IL)

    Indiana, Indianapolis (IN)

    Iowa, Des Moines (IA)

    Kansas, Topeka (KS)

    Kentucky, Frankfort (KY)

    Louisiana, Baton Rouge (LA)

    Maine, Augusta (ME)

    Maryland, Annapolis (MD)

    Massachusetts, Boston (MA)

    Michigan, Lansing (MI)

    Minnesota, St. Paul (MN)

    Mississippi, Jackson (MS)

    Missouri, Jefferson City (MO)

    Montana, Helena (MT)

    Nebraska, Lincoln (NE)

    Nevada, Carson City (NV)

    New Hampshire, Concord (NH)

    New Jersey, Trenton (NJ)

    New Mexico, Santa Fe (NM)

    New York, Albany (NY)

    North Carolina, Raleigh (NC)

    North Dakota, Bismarck (ND)

    Ohio, Columbus (OH)

    Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (OK)

    Oregon, Salem (OR)

    Pennsylvania, Harrisburg (PA)

    Rhode Island, Providence (RI)

    South Carolina, Columbia (SC)

    South Dakota, Pierre (SD)

    Tennessee, Nashville (TN)

    Texas, Austin (TX)

    Utah, Salt Lake City (UT)

    Vermont, Montpelier (VT)

    Virginia, Richmond (VA)

    Washington, Olympia (WA)

    West Virginia, Charleston (WV)

    Wisconsin, Madison (WI)

    Wyoming, Cheyenne (WY)

    Goodluck hope this helped!!!!



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