
How many statues are displayed in the Korean War Veterans Memorial?

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  1. According to Unites States Public Law 99-572, the law that authorized the Korean War Memorial, there are *19* statues sculpted by Frank Gaylord of Barre, Vt., and cast by Tallix Foundries of Beacon, N.Y.  They are approximately 7’3" tall, heroic scale and consist of 14 Army, 3 Marines, 1 Navy, 1 Air Force.  They represent an ethnic cross section of America with 12 Caucasian, 3 African American, 2 Hispanic, 1 Oriental, 1 Indian (Native American).

    Note:  The original plan called for 38 statues to represent the 38th Parallel.  Recall that the war was spurred by the creation of the 38th Parallel, upon the conclusion of WWII.  This imaginary line created a world ruled by two diametrically opposed hemispheres, the American sphere of democracy, and the Soviet spectrum of communism.  However, cost, size and design constraints cut the number of statues in half.

  2. Can't top the answer that's already there - but was just there recently - and it's very impressive.

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