
How many steps are there in braces?

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1st u get them on

2nd wait 2 - 4 years

3rd the rubber band

4th the retainer

the end

is it?? or there is more like im on the retainer part right now and i wanna get them off so bad..

i jsut start putting the rubber band 2 months ago and im woundering is there like 3 steps in rubber band like

1st. rubber band in

2nd. the rubber band gotta spread widder

n 3rd. u take em off

is that it or no o.0




  1. you get them tightened every month.  And it depends on how your condition is because you could get a Bite Plate which helps and overbite/underbite.  There are many other things you might get, if you want to know.  ask your orthodontist  

  2. 1. You may need extractions.

    2. separators.

    3. banding & bonding.

    4. placing arch wires.

    5. elastics.

    6. wait 2-3 years for completion of treatment.

    7. removal of braces.

    8. retainers.

  3. it depends on your teeth and how well you maintain them.

    ask your orthodontist on your next visit and i'm sure they will be able to give you an estimate of how much longer you will need to have them on.

    take care!

  4. first they take panoramics and molds/impressions of your teeth. Then, they usually put spacers in, after the spacers, they will put the braces on. People typically wear them avg 3 years. I wore rubber bands while I had the braces. It simply is there to correct cross bites. Also, depending whether you have severe over bite or under bite, you may have to wear "head gear". Slight over bite is what you want when your mouth is closed, meaning the top teeth will gently rest over the bottom ones (not too much!). When your teeth are physically straight, the teeth line up, etc. that's when they take them off. It takes around 3 yrs and you must go back every month to have them tightened. The retainer is also very important as they keep the teeth from moving. I believe you have to go back a few times even when you have a retainer, to make sure nothing changed and you wear your retainer. Eventually you just wear it at night and then a while later, the teeth will be set and it will not be needed. Also, something people are often confused about is wisdom teeth moving teeth after braces. The only time that will happen is if they emerge after the braces have been on and then taken off. Other wise, if they have already emerged and the teeth are straightened and then they decided to extract them. They won't move the straightened teeth because straightened teeth only move forward, not backwards!

  5. well it really is different for everybody there is some big steps in between getting them waiting and rubber bands

    for my teeth i got an expander it was on the roof of my mouth expanded my jaw

    then i got top and bottom braces got expander removed changed wires like 20 times got headgear

    then i started rubber bands and i am still on rubber bands but this has only taken me 1 1/2 years hopefully i soon will get my retainer and never have to go back to that place again

    so many steps i don't know whats going to happen but i have had my rubber bands for like a year so far

    hope this helped

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