
How many stiches does an upper molar teeth extraction require?

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is there any possibility that a person may need 4 stiches after an upper molar tooth is extracted?




  1. Under normal circumstances and extraction does not need stitches, but say for instance the tooth broke and then the piece of root had to be removed, then in that case stitches may be required.

  2. This will actually depend on the condition of the gum tissues right after the extraction.  If the gum tissues are still firmly attached after the extraction, than no stiches may be required.  If, on the other hand, the surgeon made an incision, or loosened up some of the gum tissues during the extraction, then stiches are indicated.  On the average one can certainly have between two and four stiches on a given molar extraction.  The number of stiches are usually not an indication for the severity of the extraction, but rather a reflection of how careful the surgeon is.  In any case, whether only one or four stiches were placed, the tissues still heal in the same amount of time.  Hope this helps :)

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