
How many sticks do you carry with you to a tourn.?

by  |  earlier

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Well I guess thats bout it -OK why ??




  1. I carry 2 with me and a jumper that I made. I'm waiting on a custom matched set(player and Jump/Break). That should be all I need. I might carrry an extra playing shaft just in case.

  2. 3 jump, break, play. My travel case has jump +1 shaft, break +1 shaft, play +4 shafts. I could easily reduce to play +2 shaft.

    Now out in the car may be several more in case those little doubt demons start up. lol

    Come to think of it the sticks are worth more than the vehicle!



  3. I personally carry one break cue, a backup cue, my shooting cue has two shafts with different tips and finally I have a fourth butt which goes to my bridge set which consists of two shafts with a selection of four different brass heads. Ones very low profile for drawing, one will span over a frozen ball against the Q-ball and the other two are intermediate profiles with about a 3/4" of an inch difference in elevation.

  4. Just 2 , My  jump- break stick and my game stick and an extra shaft for each of them. Only because you never know what might happen. Might lose a tip or something , ya just never know.

  5. My breaker, my shooter & one for just in case my shooter aint feeling right for the night :)...what's in my case right now are 3 shafts & 4 butts :)...I'm notta jumper on the table, so I have no use for a Sneaky O

  6. I carry 3, a Madden custom with 2 shafts, my old Predator as a backup, and a Kaiser j/b.

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