
How many stupid Q's how you seen on here before ?

by  |  earlier

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whats the dumbest one you have seen




  1. 9,999,999,999.99

  2. I've seen a lot but the worst was "why doesn't squidward where pants?

  3. idk but theres a lot


  4. This makes 2,851.

  5. the ones that annoy me are all the lazy students with various assignments coming to YA and asking for answers they are too slack to research themselves and are hoping to have handed to them on a platter with minimal effort on their part.. answers that they could find more quickly and easily using google or wikipedia etc....  

  6. too numerous to count and i don't remember

    i don't WANT to remember  


  7. None. Have you?

  8. Every night the mermaids and werewolves come out,and if they haven't turned yet they want a spell to know how!!!!!

  9. I count this one, as one.

    how many stupid Q's how you seen on here ?

  10. Well yours seems to come close!!

    What do you not understand about this being an open forum?!!!

    Surely you lack the tolerance and intellect to discuss and debate on a public forum - so feel free to leave!!

    But why not stay, learn some tolerance, grow your intellect and in the process become a much better person!!!!

  11. i don't have that many fingers to count them all lol  

  12. the worst one was, am i asking too many questions

  13. too many to count lol and i don't no there have been quite a few stupid ones,so many i can't remember!

  14. well how can i search for someone else  when you are there.. your question is just a complete justice to the most stupid question i ever seen here and second  being the one...

    has anyone ever asked this??

    that what are you answering???

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