
How many substitutions can you make in a club volleyball game?

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how many substitutions can you make in a club volleyball game. Also does a DS only come in for 1 player or can they come in for several. Lastly how many time can you call a timeout per game




  1. Subs I think is from 12-15. I get it mixed up with high school.

    DS can only go in for one person and it counts as a sub. The libero can go in for 2 players and it doesn't count as a sub.

    And you can only call 2 timeouts in both club and high school.

  2. In the club division you can make 12 subs. but you can only let like lets say #5 goes in for number 6, well it has to stay that way the whole game you cant let 6 go in for 8 A DS can go in for 2 players and you may call 2 timeouts

    trust me i have been keeping score for years by the pro book that is very tricky

    but i learned

  3. Per USAV rules you are allowed 12 subs per set (game).  The Libero can go in for any back row player (no limit on how may players they can go in for or how many times they replace a player) and does not count as a regular substitution.

  4. I can only tell you what they do at high school level unfortunately. At my high school you are allowed 3 substitutions and 3 timeouts. The Libero can only come in for one player.

  5. umm..idk. but in club we get 15. its the rules of NERVA i think we pla by and i THINK its 15. it's kinda like the older u get the less subs cuz as u get older, the better people just play more. tehres none of the oh everyone gets a chance c**p

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