
How many suits do you think Don Cherry owns?

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How many suits do you think Don Cherry owns?




  1. enough to make even the guys from q***r eye for the straight guy go color blind just for glancing in his closet.

  2. Too many to count!

  3. Actually I don't think he owns any, those are really tablecloths and drapes.

  4. None, by the look of what he's wearing.

    Every time I see Often-Wrong Don on TV I think Omar The Tentmaker must be back in town.

  5. none, he wears them for one show then sells them for charity

  6. 473.

    Why not- any guess is as arbritrary as the next.

    That said, Don Cherry probably has as many suits as he does shots of scotch per day.

  7. Who knows? It's rare to see him in the same suit twice, though.

  8. Shoot, I'd kill to find out!

  9. As many as a typical queen would own...

  10. One too many...

  11. I'm guessing he keeps three dozen or so in rotation; he wore this floral number a few times during the playoffs.

  12. Ask the companys that custom make his suits.

    his suits are obviously not off the rack, someone makes them for him, same with his ties

  13. couple thousand : )

  14. 300.

  15. i dunno but i would pay alot to see his suit closet

  16. Other than his birthday suit, bathing suits, and fancy dress tuxedo. None. These gimmick suits are that alone and are moved for charity purposes or to collector's show.

    He does own a lot of shirts though. I bought one of those Don Cherry shirts once. Paid a fortune for it. I wear it as often as I can. It feels great.

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