
How many suspensions will this team suffer?And can they be good?

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PG. Damon Stoudamire - Caught w/ Marijuana

SG. Ron Artest - Can play SG and he is crazy as can be

SF. Carmelo Anthony - drugs, alcohol, fighting = still great

PF. Rasheed Wallace - Is just plain crazy gotta love him though

C. Dennis Rodman - Insane again how can you hate the worm

6. Stephen Jackson - gun shooting; fighting; marijuana

7. Jermaine O'Neal- brawl looks like he can kick someones ***

8. Jamaal Tinsley - bar fights

9. Nate Robinson - For a little dude likes to start fights

10. Ben Wallace - suspended in brawl looks crazy 2 i wouldnt start w/ him....

11. Shawn Kemp - Alcoholic/weed

12. Isiah Rider - fought alot weed

Coach: Pat Riley = Great coach w/ 6 championships but he is a hot head




  1. They'll be talented, but they'll fight too much within the locker room before they start fighting on the court

  2. Yeah, the names are there, but i think it could turn into a New York Knick type of atmosphere.  An overwhelming majority of the players are shoot first type of athletes.  

    And I would think there would be a ton of fights inside the locker room.  THis is worse than the Portland Jail Blazers.  

    You forget Zach Randolph!

  3. i think the caoch should be mike D'antoni. he is more of a hot hot head or isiah thomas. plus dont forget to add Zach randolph, stephon marbury, kwame brown, joakim noah for marijuana, ricky davis also a marijuana, josh, howard, best answere please

  4. they would hav 974926572065790265781674 suspensions so they would not b good team cause der would b no more players after the suspensions

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