
How many tattoos do you have? Any regrets?

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I his only have one from the 80's I was really into vampires and the movie 'The Lost Boys' It's still so awesome! But the BAT tattoo has got to go! I know tattoos are really in now but this thing needs to go! I am full of regrets! It is very noticeable and people always see it and I am a pta mom now, I don't want the teachers seeing this evil vampire bat tattooed on me! I think they think I'm a freak or something!




  1. haha! that's funny. but oh well!  

    the past is past, and people will understand that!

    they understand what it's like growing up and being crazy too, so don't worry!

    I have 2 tattoos.

    i don't regret them at all. :)

  2. Seriously, nobody cares.

    You are putting too much thought into what other people may or may not be thinking.

    Besides, you have no idea what tattoos they have and are hiding from you. So don't worry about it. If you are that awesome, then that is what people will notice first.

    Oh, and I have been getting tattooed for 11 years now (I am almost 31), with over 60 hours of ink on me. I don't regret them.

  3. Cover it

    Or get it lazered off.

    You shouldn't regret your past though

    if anything, it'll remind you not to make the same mistake again.

  4. im a 31yr old female i currently have 6 and in 3 days will have not fond of the tattoo on my shoulderblade but thats what cover ups are for! i dont like removing them altogether though because i view it as my living a AIN ( assist,nurse aged care & disabilities) and if anyones going to judge you its the elderly!! hehehe) But ive never had an issue,the people that know me,KNOW me. But i suppose maybe if mine were vicious in appearance or dark/gothic perhaps people would judge BUT keeping in mind 'you should never judge a book by its cover! personal choice babe x

  5. I have 10 tattoo's and there all pretty positive.

  6. Have it covered with something else. I have 10 and no, not really, I have had some ignorance but who cares. Having them doesn't make you any kind of person.

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