
How many tazer bursts does it take to kill a suspect, 9 or more than that, usually?

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How many tazer bursts does it take to kill a suspect, 9 or more than that, usually?




  1. In theory your body could accept endless taser bursts.  As long as there was a tiny pause between bursts.  They are not delivered as a killing blow.  The problem has been when the suspect has used cocaine.  That already stresses the heart and the taser might push the body over what it can accept.

  2. depends on any underlying medical problems.  usually a taser is not fatal and will lock out or run out of juice before it can be

  3. It can be as little as one. Depends on the persons heart etc.

  4. It has nothing to do with how many zaps.  It has to do with the circumstances like drugs, weight, existing heart problems, injuries.

    It's the physics:  It's not the volts that do it, it's the amps.  100 milliamps across the heart is usually fatal to a healthy individual.  But Tasers do not produce anything even close to that, and amps don't "accumulate" in the body like, say, arsenic contamination.  After all, cops get tasered themselves during training all the time.

    People who get injured or die from taser jolts are almost always under the influence of cocaine or have existing heart problems.  It's actually quite rare for them to be fatal considering how many jolts are dished out on a daily basis.

  5. The TASER will lock-out LONG BEFORE you get near any dangerous number.

    - David

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