
How many teachers are pushing one side of this issue?

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I am curious to find out if you are in school, how many of your teachers are pushing the theory that we are the primary cause of global warming.

Also, are the teachers promoting debate, or are they simply telling you it is happening and it is our fault?

Finally, if your class is debating the issue, in your opinion, which side has won the debate.

If you are not in school, please refrain from answering.




  1. I graduated in May, however I have seen a couple classes pushing atleast 1 side or the other this issue.

    In my General Biology class the professor is a die hard Global warming is real and will accept no reasons for it being false. He even has gone to the point of requiring students to watch An Inconveinet Truth and doing research on Global warming articles. He will accept discussions on the topic, but wont sway his opinion at all. So pretty much he lets the Pro-GW group win every time. In the end we're told everytime its real and we HAVE to do something about it.

    Another of my professors on the other hand thinks its "foolhardy to be so "cocksure" about GW. Won't even allow a discussion on the topic.

  2. I graduated in December 2005 with a BS in chemical engineering.  In the spring semester of 2005, I took a class on alternative fuels.  We touched on the subject of global warming and looked at some graphs but it wasn't "pushed" on us.  The motivation for looking at developing alternative fuels was mainly the rising cost of oil and to end our dependence on foreign oil.

    Anyway, that was college, and it's generally understood that professors lean to the left.

  3. Most of my teachers do say that global warming is real and I totally agree with them. For people who think it is a false statement, they should be ashamed (no offense). Even if I am wrong (which I don't think I am), we should still try and make Earth cleaner instead of polluting it. And global warmings answer is to stop polluting the air and water.

  4. I've only ever had one teacher who took a definite stance: my physics teacher. Almost every day in class he'd read us articles from right wing blogs and op-eds and such about how global warming was a liberal hoax, and people believed him. It was ridiculous. He'd say things like "Antarctica is getting colder" (true, but in the region furthest from human civilization) and other half truths to paint the AGW theory as an obvious scam.

    No, he doesn't promote debate. There's little need to. I was one of maybe 2 or 3 people in the class that saw through his lies. Everyone else swallowed them up with scintillating fervor. Whereas most of the class entered the class with no definite opinion on AGW, they left believing it was a liberal hoax (which doesn't even make sense if you think about it, but that's beside the question).

    Third question is n/a to my case

    Most of the teachers I had this past year were very conservative. The only other one who seemed to have an opinion on global warming was my history teacher (very conservative), who only said that the science on AGW was so far just a hypothesis.

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