
How many teaspoons of food do we put inside our budgies food bowl each day?

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I have 2 budgies how many teaspoons of food am i supposed to put in their eating dish every day.

But per 1 budgie how many teaspoons of food am i supposed to put in everyday?




  1. Teaspoon measurements are usually used for budgies when they are given snacks. Upgrade that to a tablespoon (tbsp) and you've got the right measurement. Budgies can eat 1-4 tbsp of food a day. If there is more than one bird in the cage I would have at least 2 dishes of food in the cage. One bird may try to dominate the food bowl and not let the other bird eat, so put at least 2 bowls in.

    May I ask what it is that you feed your birds? If a budgie eats 4 tbsp of seed a day, then it will become malnourished. Resulting in liver disease, kidney problems and fatty tumors. The bird will also be more prone to disease.

    As a reminder, keep the diet varied. Feeding 50% pellets, 25% seed, 25% fruit, veggies and sprouts, is a good basic diet.

    If your want to know how much your birds eat, pay attention to how much you're putting in the bowl, at the end of the day take out the remaining food and measure that. If you do this for a week you should have a good idea on how many tbsp they eat.

  2. Are you feeding pellets? Pellets can be offered 24/7. You should be feeding pellets, a little bit of seed, and plenty of fresh foods. You should offer about two teaspoons of seed a day for about an hour and then take it away and leave the pellets for them. An all seed diet is very unhealthy.

  3. Yeah,I had them before...just keep it full

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