
How many teen moms do you know?

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I can't help feeling like im alone.

and if you read my other question,you know that i will be 14 in jan.

how many people do you know that go pregnant really young?

within the age of 13-15?


how did it work out for them?




  1. i got pregnant when i was 15 and my best freind got pregnant when she was 16. we are doing fine. we take very good care of our kids and make sure they get everything they need. trust me you will be okay!

  2. my friend knows and 11 year old girl who got raped, had a baby, and is now raising it with her family.

    i know a 15 year old girl who had baby, but she eventually gave it up for adoption because she couldn't take care of it.

    your not the only one. trust me. there are many more pregnant teens out there.

  3. I have a friend who got pregnant at 13. Her parents pretty much took responsibility for the baby at first but she helped to raise her. Now she has custody and is doing ok. I have another friend who had her son at 16, got her own apartment at 20 and is now married with an infant daughter. You aren't alone & you'll be ok. =]

  4. I found out i was preg when i was 17.5, had her at 18. i am now 19.

    Its hard, but worth it.

    Mind you, we are very priveleged.

    I know one, my little sister.

  5. I got pregnant at 15.  I'm now 17 married to my sons father(18 y/o).  We have our own house, do schooling online and plan on going to college.  We get no help from anyone and we're expecting number 2 in January.  We are doing very well for having children so early.  We get no governemnt assistance BTW...

    1 of my friends got pregnant at 16... She also has her own house.  Her parents watch the baby when she goes to school.  Her bf works.

    1 of my friends got pregnant at 17.  She lives with her bf's family and just graduated high school. They are doing ok.

    1 of my friends got pregnant at 13 and she doesn't take care of her baby her grandma does while she goes to school and runs around partyin with her friends.  She is not with the father and is now 15 and pregnant AGAIN.  I think she'll do the same to this baby.  She lives with her grandma,doesnt' work, doesn't collect child support because the father can't work either he's only 15.

    I know a set of twins.. One got pregnant at 13 and  is taking care of her baby and doin school online.  The father is in his 30's.  She wasn't raped.  But she isn't with him now.  Her twin sis is now 14 and preg. I don't know how she will do

    I know another girl that is 15 and preg. and she was the last person I would ever expect to be pregnant... I thought she was smarter than that... But she is.  She seems to be smart like that... But in real life she is very ditsy... I don't know how she will do as a mother... I think she will not take care of her baby and keep on doing her "after school activities" with friends, sports, etc.  Instead of at home with her baby.

    It is diff. with every case... Some teen parents can handle it and live up to the responsibility and some can't... Simple as that.  Good luck with you though...  Hope everything goes good.

  6. none ;-)

  7. None.

    But if you've noticed the other posts on this forum, you're not alone.  Check with your doctor if there's a support group for teen mothers in your area.  If you live in a city, it's more likely.  If not, you might be able to find some support online.

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