
How many teenagers are there in the world?

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  1. at this moment there are exactly


  2. Given that every teenager thinks that the world revolves around them, and given that try to rotate an object such as the Earth on two separate axises would cause major environmental catastrophes, I can scientificly conclude that there is only ever ONE teenager in the world at any given time.  

    I am unable at this time to explain the seeming proliferation of teenagers in the world.  Perhaps each exists in shifting phases, disappaering for minute fractions of a second before reappearing again.  The motion picture industry has shown us that you only need 24 still pictures a second to simulate motion for even the most eagle-eyed viewer, so I suppose if each teenager just appeared for a billionth of a second 24 times in a second, they could all appear to exist simultaneously without destroying the Earth.  

    Problem averted.  There is only one teenager in the world.

  3. TOO MANY  !

  4. alot

  5. the closest year i could find was 2003...

    About 1.2 billion of the world's 6.3 billion people are aged between 10 and 19

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