
How many teeth do you have?

by  |  earlier

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  1. 29  

  2. at present i have 942 plus my own 32 . i make dentures.

  3. 26 or maybe more i'm sure i never really counted my teeth

  4. 1


  5. 28 ~ I just counted.

    I had my wisdom teeth removed

  6. i just counted i got 28. hahah.

  7. 28.

    I'm 13.

  8. un

  9. you have 32 and if you add your wisdom teeth 36 :)


  10. 30. I am waiting for my 2 wisdom teeth to grow in.

  11. almost 30

  12. 27 i had to get one of the four bottom teeth in the front removed because my jaw stuck out too much.

  13. 24

  14. 26

  15. 28

  16. 32

  17. all of them except for my wisdom teeth!  

  18. I have 32 teeth, all of them very sharp.

  19. 1

  20. all of them except I just got my wisdom teeth taken out....

  21. 31 i had a really bad cavity had to pull the tooth

  22. i have 14 on top. & 14 on the bottom and 4 wisdom teeth but they're lying down. so 32 (:

  23. 4

  24. 28 I counted.


    I'm thirteen though so I don't know if my wisdom teeth things have come out yet.

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