
How many things can you do to save the Planet earth that will cost nothing?

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This question was prompted by a statement by dishonest Newt Gingrich claiming the reasons why Conservatives are not involved and Liberals are in Saving Our Planet is because Liberals favor regulations and big govenment that consume tax dollars




  1. Stop creating more humans, I know it may sound cruel, but true.

  2. Oh that Newt.  I'm guessing science is not his forte.

    Compost.  Grow organic.  Take shorter showers.  Save your wash water and use it to water plants.  There must be hundreds of things you could do.  In any case, we all live on the same planet, last I looked, and McCain, Obama and Clinton all promise to do a better job of protecting our natural resources and "saving" the planet than the current administration.

    Gingrich just likes the sound of his own voice, I guess.


  4. Why does everyone think we can save a planet?  Our Earth owns us.  Save all the money you want and you'll still spend the end, forget the casket and get buried next to a tree.  There's some food that is cheap-easy!

  5. One.

    Dream the impossible dream.

  6. You could direct your money to Ron Paul so he could be put in the presidentcy. That would be the best start.

  7. A LOT of desirable things!

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