Social Brainwashing is responsible for many things we believe as people, there generally is no real reason for the belief except for a "just because" For example, it is illegal or seen as immoral if a woman goes topless, but it is ok if a male goes topless. For one, this makes no sense because women find topless men s**y just as men find topless women s**y. For another reason, some men have Gynecomastia and go topless at the beach, it is not seen as illegal activity even though this male has actual mammary glands like a female. There is no scientific reason a woman being topless is immoral or bad, it is only bad because of social brainwashing. Another social brainwashing is that pink is a female color, blue is a male color. There are no scientific reasons for this, it "just is" because of social brainwashing. Another would be religion, most people believe in the religion they do because they were born into it, they did not "seek" to find it, they just believe it because of brainwashing