
How many things can you think of which are only believed because of brainwashing?

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Social Brainwashing is responsible for many things we believe as people, there generally is no real reason for the belief except for a "just because" For example, it is illegal or seen as immoral if a woman goes topless, but it is ok if a male goes topless. For one, this makes no sense because women find topless men s**y just as men find topless women s**y. For another reason, some men have Gynecomastia and go topless at the beach, it is not seen as illegal activity even though this male has actual mammary glands like a female. There is no scientific reason a woman being topless is immoral or bad, it is only bad because of social brainwashing. Another social brainwashing is that pink is a female color, blue is a male color. There are no scientific reasons for this, it "just is" because of social brainwashing. Another would be religion, most people believe in the religion they do because they were born into it, they did not "seek" to find it, they just believe it because of brainwashing




  1. Things we have been brainwashed to fear:

    smoking Marijuana




    s*x and teens


    Many things have been repeated so many times that they have become "universal truths". It`s just unfortunate that the hysteria and paranoia connected to those " universal truths" are destroying our society and limiting our Freedom.

  2. I'm going to guess that the person above me was drunk when he wrote that, it made no sense. But at any rate, yes I agree with you people need to open their minds so to speak and stop being so brainwashed with everything. I don't know, I suppose if I could pick one idea that may qualify for brainwashing that hasn't been mentioned yet I'd say race labeling. Labeling someone's race is kinda rediculous, especially with me. I am German, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, Norwegien, French, English, British, Nez Perce, African American but I only pass as "white" while a man who is half white and half black passes as African American, it doesn't make any sense, not only that but race labeling is only another way of dividing us saying we're different, we should see people for their minds and actions not for the color of their skin or where they grew up or the quality of clothes they can afford.

  3. From a very, very early age we are all conditioned in every aspect of our life to adhere to what society dictates as right/wrong/normal.

  4. it doesnt take a genious to figure that out  and it doesnt take those many paragrafs to make your point. yes i like to look at a nice female body, thats why god  made us different .  you are spending all your time woring about nothing when you could be worring about somthing more important like lighiting bugs. i know your dad would really apprecieate that he spent all that money on you

  5. I totally agree with you and you have not even begun to describe the smallest tip of the iceberg.

  6. 1. that you can't be racist to white people or sexist against males

    i can usually think of more, but i can't at the moment. I like this question though, as i have pondered on it frequently. I might just come back...

  7. I so totally get your point! Most of us boast freedom of thought yet harbour such immense fear of differences and individuality. Leaves me completely... flabbergasted!

  8. pedophilia



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