
How many things does the federal government have to s***w up before we as citizens stand up?

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We have failing government schools, Social Security is a mess, medicare and medicaid are screwed, up we give out way to much the only reliable government service is the mail and that can easily be privatized. and now you want to give the government control of your health care. I am not a veteran but my brother and dad are and believe me the VA is failing and we as a country deserve better. What do you think?




  1. we won't be able to stand up

    obama'll have our guns

  2. Obviously, a lot.

    This countries' economy is already in trouble. And, if China were to cut off trade with us, like they said they would a long time ago, we would go bottom up.

  3. Im in the upper 30's and when its time for  me to retire. There will be no SSI. I approve of social medicine. People make it out to seem that we become a communist country but it not like that at all. Other countries do it and they are doing just fine. USA is suppose to be the melting pot of other countries. Because are heriatage is base on immigrants that came for a better place. Yes we have freedoms to a certain extent. We dont die for saying I hate your god. America has become a country as well of a bunch of whiners.  People have become so dependent on the gov to solve their needs and even lie to get what they want.  Can it be better? I believe it can. If we live somewhat good lives and can offord to go out to eat and go do recreational stuff then it means you are not totally poor. But I have to agree w/ some that the gov needs to look at what is happening inside then look at what happens on the outside. As in take care of us.  So Georgia and Russia go to war. Let them be. That is not our fight. We always have to be big dog and show our power? Then show the power to help our own people. But w/ corporations that overcharge and want to control everything. I think some insurance companies are a joke. Insurance is to help what we cant pay not pay them to not get the help. But as longas we have people that are money hungry it will be getting worse Im afraid.  To bad we cant revolt as a unified country and have the gov start from scratch. And have real people listen to their fellow citzens.

  4. Know anyone on Social Security?  Sounds like people on SS arent giving their "Socialism money" back and their checks seem to arrive on time.

    My Grandfather, father, two uncles (one deceased now) and cousin are all veterans....they get better health care than anyone else in our family!  My dad wasnt supposed to live past age 21 and spent many years in VA care that my Grandpa's service made possible.

    Medicare and Medicaid are screwed up, as you said, and you think it is going to get worse by simplifying it and getting the HMOs out of the picture?  Seems like something worth trying to me!

    Canada is doing much better economically than America is.  Their currency is worth more than ours when, only 15 years ago, it was worth 60% of our currency.  They have socialized medicine.....I guess it isnt so scary after all?

  5. Very many, apparently.

    It seems to be more important to commit murder and genocide in foreign countries and to make defense contractors rich and to watch the mortgage crisis create a new generation of poverty, than to take care of our own and fund social programs, education, health care for veterans, etc.

    The United States is toast.

  6. As many as they want.  The average American doesn't care.

  7. Who wants to give the government control of health care? Who wants to let them privatize anything? We have become complacent. The plight of social security has been an issue for 30 years, but no politicians acted on it. The same goes for oil and the housing mess. There are responsible organizations and government committees that forewarned about these coming disasters. Nothing got done because the politicians had different agendas that conflicted with doing the right thing to avert these crises. So we must all be pro-active and not wait until the laws are passed that put us in these positions. We must keep abreast of all legislation that is up for vote, and we must tell our congressional reps how they should vote, before it becomes another stupid law. Remember, that congress is here to serve us, not he other way around.

  8. System has too many corrupt politicians to be effective in dealing with all our problems. We need to vote all the bums out, and start out with a clean house.

  9. If you compare our s***w ups to other countries then we have it good. Not many people in this country is thankful for what we have. In other countries girls are getting circumsized and dying, women are forced to hide, people cant choose their own religion and are forced to worship one person and if they worship any one else they are punished or killed, war has gotten so bad in other screwed up countries that people are starving to the point that whole tribes are being depleted, gas is through the roof in other countries, in places it can take up to a year to get a doc appointment and get the meds to make it better. If you just look at our country then of course things can always be better no matter what they fix, but if we take in account that others have it WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY worse then maybe all of those little things you listed wouldnt seem so bad.

    I am saying that we shouldnt dwell so much on things and get so worked up over them. Of course our country should try and be its best, but it never will be. Its like in life whenever the car wont start and you get all upset, just be happy you have a car. The issues named are probably never gonna be fixed. Ive just heard people over and over again complain that our country is ridiculous and blah blah blah. Now dont get me wrong, everyone shouldnt just look the other way. If you think its a good idea to stand up for this stuff then go for it because they may be affecting you personally. I just think their are bigger issues to deal with right now.

    This is all my opinion and i dont expect everyone to feel the same.

  10. Basically they want to turn the U.S. population into commercial slaves, used to fatten the pockets of the top 5%. Forcing us to pay more for gas as well as consumables while in the midst of an economic recession is a horrible way to run a country. Add to that that expensive health care and you now see a complete circle in which most if not all of the money we earn is in turn almost automatically handed over back to big corporations.

    This is the kind of economic pains our current government willingly allowed us to fall into and unfortunately will have to live through for the next couple of years. My advise...move to a country where the dollar is still worth something and live out your life there.

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