Let's face it, our old incandescent bulb is only fit to warm our lizard's cage now. These outdated bulbs have served their purpose in lighting our homes for generations. Now energy prices warrant a more efficient use of our power and lighting. Such a change would save us untold amounts of capital for other spending. Already, a new demand for this change has ushered in a wide varity of energy saving devices. One major product used is the CFL which is much more efficient than a regular incandescent. A fluorescent can produce 61.5 lm/W while the similar incandescent produces a mere 13.3 lm/W. How about a light source that can produce over 100.0 lm/W! That is almost twice as efficient as the hailed CFL! There's more, how about a light that has almost no pollutants? Or lasts over 100,000 hours compared to 10,000 hours in florescent. This "super-light" is not some new alien technology, it's a light emitting diode or (L.E.D.).