
How many think the AP Sevice should be desolved now, especially thier low class obit on Tony Snow!?

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How many think the AP Sevice should be desolved now, especially thier low class obit on Tony Snow!?




  1. Since they sell their services as "news", they have to do things like that in order for the liberal media to keep buying their stuff.

    They quit being a news service back in the sixties, and have been into "marketing" their wares since then.  That's why the UPI makes so much more money than they do at the same thing.

    In a free marketplace, this might work - as far as news goes, it will work until the pendulum swings.

  2. I never heard of AP Sevice was it made before 1986?

    Nobody seems to know the answer. I guess they should desolve it. Now go answermy question about guns.

  3. The obit was in very poor taste.  Either they clean up their act, or they will loose readers and eventually go out of business.  By the way, the AP was established around the time of the Civil War.  The idea was that reporters would be sent out by the AP (Associated Press), and their stories would be available to any newspaper that wanted to pay for the service. The stories would be available quickly because the telegraph had been invented, so stories could be sent rapidly. That is still pretty much the arrangement (for telegraph read Internet now).  If your local newspaper uses stories that have an AP dateline, the paper paid the AP for the story.

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