
How many think this country is making a big mistake by electing Hillary?

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i do she is so fake....and i'm a democrat




  1. She's better than 95% of the alternatives.

  2. Ha ha...she's not there yet, although she'd like to think so.  I think she's a big fake, too!

  3. Why does everyone think she has already been elected?

  4. A democrat will take the White House. The republicans have way too much baggage on their side, unless they get their S**t together pronto, they don't stand a chance.

    I think it is bad for democracy in general when you rotate between 2 families in the executive branch.

    There has been a Bush or a Clinton in the halls of power for longer than most of the people on Yahoo Answers have been alive.

    Bush sr was head of the CIA in the late 70's before becoming Reagan's VP, then president, then Clinton, then GWB. That's 30 years of concentration of power in 2 families.

    If Hillary wins the democratic nomination, it could be 38 continual years of a Bush or a Clinton in the White House.

    That's not democracy, that's aristocracy.

    I believe a revolution was fought to get rid of such a government.

  5. I don't actually think this country is going to elect Hillary. I think we're going to elect Obama.

  6. Hillary is going to join the long list of also rans. She has got to be the most arrogant politician I've ever laid eyes on and that's saying something. The mud slinging hasn't even begun and believe me, they've been collecting and saving dirt on her for a long time. I don't know who the next president will be but it won't be her. She might appeal to her rabid base but not the electorate. She thinks that the fact that she's a woman will lock up the female vote but I don't think many women outside the Rosie Odonnell crowd like her. She's a class A b*tch.

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