
How many thousand Nukes should US dismantle before expecting Iran to mothball their atomic energy program?

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We Colonials downunder are great friends with you Americans....even if we're convinced no Boeings were flying anywhere near your Twin Towers on 9-11, we still understand a version of the same lingo.

But when you guys send Bush and Cheney's henchmen to yet another Middle East meet, with demands that Iran switches off their uranium boosters... we cannot understand why the cowboys don't come up with some good ol' Western diplomacy.

If trashing a few hundred H-Bombs to kickstart world-saving diplomacy is considered an obvious sign of weakness, why not at least offer to put off enriching Los Alamos yellowcake till after Dubya gets sidelined?

Imagine you were Iranian: just how insane would these Texans look in your dark eyes? Especially if their faceless shades always averted your steely gaze ;-)




  1. Iranians are filthy muslims that will stone a woman to death because she has been raped.  A society or culture such as this should not be reasoned with nor bargained with.

  2. Sit down, Iran will turn and run and bury their heads in the sand.The United States gives up nothing. We are a lean mean killing machine.

  3. I hope some of you posters were on glue when you sent these messages because some of what you say freaks me out. I mean how can you advocate a nuclear war at all? I'm going round in circles here, we'd all be dead duhs. I for one am not ready to die yet if any of you are. I'm sick of some of the ignorance displayed here, it is not only ignorance about your own country but towards the rest of this planet. I am not the greatest creature on earth but I sure as h**l have enough respect and compassion to know that no war solved anything. Diplomacy and communication are the key ingredients here along with a better education. Some people demonstrate that they are not well-educated or live in ignorance because it suits them, how frightenting and worrying for the world. You know the laws of Karma will strike you on the *** when you least expect. I worry about the USA's future with some idiot in power and I certainly the next US president has compassion, intelligence, respect and good people skills to see the USA out of the dark hole that bloody Bush created for it. The USA isn't a bad country, it's just some of the idiots in it. The UK too could do with a makeover and to get a government that cares about its people and the future of the world. Thank you!

  4. It is not about the number or even possession of nukes really!

    It is about the threat to wipe Israel of the map and threats to attack the great satan America and the very real fear that Iran will be the first country in the world to believe they should use nukes to kill millions in Israel and America even if it means Iran would be wiped out in retaliation!!

  5. None we should just move our troops in Iraq to Iran take the profit from their oil(which would now be ours) restock our arsenal get our soldier morale back to the american standard and drop bombs on north korea. as for dropping the A-bomb i believe that they killed how many defenseless people in our country first. this entire world has been fighting over simple things such as land, religion, and resources for centuries i believe that nuclear weapons are a pretty reasonable thing to fight over

  6. Iran should be taken down before they get the bomb...if the world sits by as usual, we will ALL die!

  7. None. Nuke em till they glow then shoot em in the dark. Better yet just tell the Israelis that its open season on Iranian rag heads. Then keep the rest of the world at bay and watch the camel jockeys squirm.

  8. America isn't threatening to use it nukes like the maniacs in Iran

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