
How many tiger barbs would fit in a 15 gal. tank?

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How many tiger barbs would fit in a 15 gal. tank?




  1. 0 should be 6 to a 30 gallon tank.  

  2. Thats pushing it for Tiger Barbs

    They are active fish, get to a reasonable size, and are very active.

    I wouldn't keep them in less than a 20gal. I guess you could keep them in a 15, but not much room for anything else.


  3. You really shouldn't keep tiger barbs in anything smaller than a 20 gallon long.  Tiger barbs are fairly fast swimmers and need the length of a 20 gallon at ***minimum**** to school comfortably.  

    Also, tiger barbs are not compatible tank mates with most community tropical fish.  In a small 20 gallon, you won't be able to house any other fish except **maybe** 3-5 dwarf corydora.

    Unless you can upgrade to a 20 gallon long, don't get tiger barbs.  If all you can manage is a 15 gallon tank, go with a different top schooler.

    If you insist upon tiger barbs in your 15 gallon in spite of strong warnings, you'll need to keep them in groups of no less than 5.  Again, tiger barbs are a very poor choice for your 15 gallon tank.

  4. Most would say that Tiger Barbs need a slightly larger tank, so not too many.  They should be kept in a school of five (5) or more.

  5. The one inch of fish per gallon rule is very falsely and with extra filtration and space demand, you can put a few extra fish. Tiger barbs grow to three inches, so with 1 inch per gallon rule, you would have 5 fish, but since most websites and serious hobbyists recommend 6+ individuals for a loose school in order to establish a pecking order properly and regulate aggression, you should just follow 6 fish, provided extra filtration and aeration for the tank to avoid problems. Fifteen gallons is quite a space so not that much of a problem, provided that you have a tank that is longer than tall for more surface area. Good luck and happy fishkeeping!

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