
How many times a day do you feed your fish?

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I feed them twice a day once at night and once in the morning and they are hungry each time. Is that normal?




  1. The store will advise you to do it 3 times/day, but that's too much, and will make the fish produce more ammonia which leads to a bad smell of the aquarium.

    The fish in nature can live for a long period of time without food so feeding them once a day is usually enough, and just put very small amount of food that the fish can eat in 1-2 minutes, if it takes longer then you have put too much.

    I hope this was helpful.

  2. yes, i have fish and i feed them in the morning and night

    and its normal for them to be hungry

    some people only feed them at night

  3. I feed my fish once a day, at night. I have 2 pearl gouramis, 4 red eye tetras, 2 zebra danios and 2 mystery snails.   I feed them half a cube of frozen brine shrimp, and later a couple of blanched, shelled, mashed peas, they are really healthy and seem to be happy enough.  Apart from that they also have plants to 'snack' on through the day.

    Fish will always eat what you give them as long as it's their favourite, once a day is usually ok as long as they have some other stuff to graze on through the day.  Just remember they only get to eat fresh meaty type food once a week in the wild if they're lucky!!

  4. yes its really normal if they look like they're hungry, because they really don't know any better. twice a day is perfect, and if you feed them more, they'll eat it, get sick, and maybe even die. or it'll just polute the water even more. hope i helped!

  5. I do the same thing. I feed a small amount each time, just enough where only a little falls to the floor. i want to keep my tank nice and clean :) and make it easier then doing a million water changes!

  6. That is fine, as long as you don't feed too much.  

  7. i feed my goldfish and betta 2 times aday, morning and night. i feed them both flakes in the morning and at night flakes for my goldfish and shrimp pellets for my betta because pellets take the same color of the gravel  and golfish can't find it before it melts

  8. Yep. Once in the morning and once at night is a good way to keep your fish healthy their tank clean.

    It's perfectly normal for them to always rush in for the food because they're eager to eat their fill.

    Don't over feed them, even if they appear to "look" hungry, and you and your fish will do alright. Good luck!

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