
How many times a day do you think about s*x?

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How many times a day do you think about s*x?




  1. Quite often! I would swear I had the brain of a man with how much I think of it!

  2. Today, my dear, 849!

  3. I would run out of numbers,dear...

  4. Ok now you did it again....... about every 10 mins. And its only been 3 since the last time!

  5. every second i breathe!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. dont bother thinking about it ....JUST GET ON AND DO IT,,,LOL..

  7. A lot!

  8. I'm a virgin

  9. not too much

  10. alot but im sick right now

  11. Does masturbation count?

  12. As  a male animal, I think about s*x every 10 seconds or so.  Back in my middle years in the 1980s, I thought about s*x every 5 seconds.  In my youth [teens and 20s] in the 1950s and 60 - I think s*x was a constant non-stop brain theme.  By the end of the day you were just wore out....

    YouTube - The average American male video #3

    Find out what he's really thinking. ... 15 year old had s*x with over 30 different

    men hehe. 07:39 From: papidonvilla ... Your Account, Help & Info, YouTube ...

  13. Never.

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