
How many times a day does a regukar person m********e?

by  |  earlier

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I think there might be something wrong with me because I m********e almost 18 times a day.




  1. You have too much free time :L:L

  2. d**n...That is alot of getting off.  Isn't your d**k raw.  

  3. u have an Addiction

  4. yeah, that's a bit much.

    about 0 to 2 times for me ... I'd say I'm a pretty regular person.

    Might be a psychological thing. If the 18 times a day is causing you discomfort, I'd see a psychologist.

  5. i dought this is real, the most a really horny person whacks off is less than 10.

    Stop making up stupid questions to amuse yourself!  

  6. for me it depends on the day. i will m********e 1 to 10 times a day, but there is nothing wrong with it so keep on going, in fact i'm feeling pretty good right now i'm going to go m********e, bye!  

  7. i am worried about your healthy if you did 18 times a day. how you focus your work/school?  

  8. Its different for each person.  As you age it will drop.  I have friends that are old now and only do it once a week or so.  When young they did it every other day.

    Then there is me.  I started much younger because of a f******n.  Foreskins show you how early in life.  By the time I was 10 it was every darn day.  then in my teens it was many times in a day.

    As an adult I am 1 to 2 per day.

    Most all my friends were cut an only started jerking later in their teens. Today someof them are cool with a few per month.  So its kind of a use it or loose it deal.  The more you do it the better it works.


  9.   holy ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Thats to much..if you keep that up you will have some type of medical problem. How old are you?

  11. I would say like once for me

  12. Carry on like that youngster and there soon will be something wrong lol When do you find time to eat and sleep?  

  13. lmfao !!

    how old are you?

  14. When do you sleep? I personally dont.

  15. You're a good man Charlie Brown !

  16. wow easy there! lol  

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