
How many times a day does someone come to this section and perplex everyone with "What's the meaning of life?"

by  |  earlier

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  1. they skip the guideline that they are suppose to use search before posting a question.

  2. Never. I, for one, am never perplexed by such kids (and you said "everyone").

  3. I don't know.  By the way, what's the real meaning of life?

  4. Too many.  (That's the average.)

  5. A million times.

  6. Probably way too much... because, you know, people like that have no life.

  7. A lot, but there is no conclusive answer. I don't think there ever will be, because no one knows. Maybe dead people do, but I don't think they have internet access where they are.

  8. it's not at all perplexing to me. I just answered that question go into my profile if you want to see my answer. I imagine people ask the question as much as in the political section they ask "Obama or McCain?" probably everyday they ask it.

  9. This is life !

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