
How many times a day should i feed my guinea pig?

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i have a 1.5 month old guinea pig, how many times a day should i feed my pig?




  1. 2 meals a day. Morning and afternoon. But I prefer 3 meals, in case my little piggy gets hungry. Sometimes I feed my guinea a little snack when it squeals to let you know it's hungry.

    Edit: Umm, the chilly girl above me... you feed your guinea pig chicken nuggets?!?! Or is Nugget your guinea pig's name? If you are feeding it nuggets, please DO NOT continue! You will make them sick because chicken nugget is deep-fried and they aren't suppose to eat meat :(

  2. I always give my guinea pigs hay in the morning (enough to last all day), some type of fruit or veggie in the afternoon, and their regular pellets at night.

  3. Your guinea pig should have a constant supply of fresh hay and cold water. It is best to keep the hay in a manger so it is off the floor, and separate from what they sleep in. Guinea pigs will eat the same hay that they sleep in, but my pig prefers to have 'timothy hay' in his hay manger. You can buy Timothy hay from most pet shops. It's designed specially for them to eat. And remember to keep it topped up all the time.

    As for their nuggets, it is best to weigh your pig and follow the instructions on the back of the packet. Personally I keep my pigs nuggets filled up all the time, but a lot of people would disagree with that. The reason I do it is because I have done all the rationing etc and I find my pig doesn't eat more than his daily allowance of pellets, because he always has hay, and gets veg.

    As for the veg, this is the most fun part :) I love veg time. It's great to get to know what your pig likes and dislikes. I give veg at lunch time, and at dinner time. Once a day of veg isn't enough. Veg is healthy for your pig and there's no reason to not feed it more often. I also give my pig extras if he's very good, like a little bit of parsley when he's being overly cute, which is fine.

    Make sure your pig gets leafy green veg every day, this does them good. For example, broccoli and cabbage (pack choi, or is it pak choi, is a nice leafy green one you can get from the supermarket) and lettuce (but NOT iceberg as this is said to be bad for their digestion)

    Also, your pig can have other things if they enjoy them. My piggy gets cucumber often, carrots are another favourite. He likes cauliflower sometimes. Parsley is a big hit! There are probably more I can't remember right now. I hope all this helps! My guinea pig is lovely and healthy with a beautiful shiny coat. A lot of people say veg once a day but most vets I have been to agree that more than once is beneficial, and I can see that it has been for my pig. He is weighed regularly and is perfect weight!

    Another thing I do for my pig is give him vitamin tablets every couple of days. I get them from the pet shop, they're called 'small animal vitamins' or something to that effect. I crush them up in a small dish, dip his cucumber into them to coat the cucumber, and then he just gobbles up the cucumber with all the vitamins on it, and he seems to like it just the same. I don't know if this is necessary with the rest of his diet, but I know it doesn't do any harm. Any vitamins that are not needed would just be excreted by the body.

    Anyway, happy feeding!!

    EDIT: to avoid further confusion... 'nuggets' is what a lot of people call the guinea pig pellets that you buy from pet shops! (including me!)

    nuggets are better than the mixed food as they are a complete mix, and this means your piggy cant pick out which bits they like, and leave the others. Because this might mean they're missing out on some viamins/minerals.

    Also, I would like to add that whatever you decide to do, try and keep your piggys diet as steady as possible, and introduce new things one at a time. Any upset in a piggys diet can make them sad, because lets face it, a lot of their time centres around eating or thinking about their next meal. Listening for the fridge to open hehe

    Sorry that this is a lot to read, but nothing is too much effort in getting your piggy a nice healthy diet is it?! :)

  4. Hello!

    im elextra/alextra/alex

    i have been breeding small, and big guinea pig's and rabbit's for 5 years, and for 1.5 month old guinea pig, feed it once a day, but if it finshes it make sure you dont feed it again! (overfeeding can turn into feeding disorders) it really depend's what you feed it. i feed my baby G-pig....

    morning: 1 small container of rabbit and G-pig mix

    also inc fresh water

    afternoon: if finshed give it some fresh (washed) greens

                 keep this up and you will have a beautiful guinea pig!

    if you need anyother questions allways email me! like i said i own rabbits, and i have my own pet shop!

  5. you should feed it aprox 40 grams  a day , so you can either feed it 20 grams in the morning and 20 grams in the evening  + 1 handful of fresh greens in the morningin the evening or 40g in the morning with greens mid-day. plus an unlimited supply of hay

  6. I feed my 2 some guinea pig nuggets in morning and in afternoon I feed then some nice pepper of carrots. They seem happy enough. Remember, humans need to be fed 3 times a day but guinea pigs once or twice. Look at diffrences of stomach size!?

  7. I leave pellets, hay, and fresh water out at all times.  I feed a generous salad twice a day.  Occasionally during lap time or play time on the floor, they will get another treat.  I have 3 guinea pigs and they are used to a variety of things in their salad.  Favorites are: romaine lettuce, red leaf lettuce, fresh cilantro, italian parsley, carrots, zucchini, yellow squash, bell peppers (any color), radishes (occasionally), apples, oranges, blueberries, grapes, and corn (whole ear, husk and all).  

    Go to Go to the forum and read the nutrition chart under the Diet and Nutrition Forum.  Absolutely the best information and very easy to understand.

  8. This is why i do not like pet shop owners coz they clearly do not feed their animals properly! i mean once a day!!! the poor thing, it doesnt matter how old it if its 1.5 or 5 years they should be fed about 3 times a day, they dont leave food and think i will save that for later!  hope you dont listen to the above answer, the only reason they feed them once a day is because it comes out of their own stock, and for the one below, guineas do not eat human size portions!

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