
How many times a day should you play with/exercise a kitten and for how long?

by Guest58438  |  earlier

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Four month old male, not yet neutered. How long and how often each day?

And also, does more vigorous excise means he'll become more aggressive?

And if I miss a day 'cause I'm away will he suffer because of this or bounce off the walls and be naughty? Are leaving toys out in those circumstances enough?

Sensible answers only please. Thanks!




  1. As much as you possibly can! My roommate gotten a kitten a month before she moved out, but she never had time for it. I was only home for three or four hours a day, so it would go nuts on me! He may get bored with toys if they don't respond, but you could tie some strings to a fan and leave it running while you're gone so he can swat at them.

  2. Needs to be neutered NOW.  At 4 months, he is sexually mature and you don't want him to start marking.

    Some cats are self entertaining and play happily by themselves a lot, others need us or another friend.  Vigorous exercise does not lead to aggression, that is a behavior the cat has or does not have.  However, with sexual maturity comes more aggressive play.  NEUTER.

  3. For a four month old male you should play with him for about 5 times a day for half an hour each time.  And it depends on the cat if vigorous exercises make them more aggressive.  IF he does get aggressive and start biting you, you just give him a toy instead of your hand.  If he starts biting too hard, all you have to do is let out a little scream which tells him that he's hurting you and he will most likely stop right away.  And if you're ever going away for the day you should probalby have those toys that you hang from doors that bounce and have a little fuzzy toy attatched on the bottom.  You can also hide a couple treats around to keep him occupied. And if he starts to ruin your furniture when your away just spray this special spray stuff that comes at local pet stores that you spray on couches and carpets and it keeps the cat from clawing it.  Always make sure you leave a lot of food and fresh water whenever you leave the house.  Hope that helps (:

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