
How many times a week do you eat Mexican/TexMex food?

by  |  earlier

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Lately not much at all.




  1. once every 2 weeks maybe

  2. 2-3 times, but I live in Phoenix, AZ.

  3. around once a week....but, is never just the same old have got to switch it up

  4. Haha, as a matter of fact, I just had taco's. They were pretty delish. But I'm not a big fan of mexican food. I'm more italian. :) Pizzzzaaaaaaaa! (Perfect for everything)

  5. once or twice a month.

  6. about every other day.

  7. Usually 2-3 times a month. I like Taco Bell. :D lol

  8. zero

  9. Normally more than 2x a week but lately not much because I'm observing the Lent season & fasted on certain foods.

  10. I don't. I barely even eat it once in two months.

  11. Not as often as I would like to, here in Singapore --- it's not easy!

  12. Whenever I want.

  13. I'm more on a bi-monthly fix.

  14. not enough times to count for the week- but maybe once every other month

  15. Being a Texican I would have to say everyday.

  16. about twice a month.

    yum yum

  17. I would eat it every day if my husband would agree, love it!!

  18. I live in California and there is a large Hispanic population here so we tend to eat it a lot.....probably4-5 times a week.  Yummy!

  19. My wife being from Mexico and us now living in Texas, I'd have to say everyday.

  20. Not very often, it's way too expensive, though i love mexican food. If you were to eat mexican food everyday and work out 3 times a week, you are gonna be a tank.

  21. Almost never. I don't care for the burning sensation on my sphincter.

  22. never..

  23. There is good Tex-Mex food at Wildcat's  U-K Cafe, in Osaka. Back in that States may seem pretty gross, but in Japan where food comes at a premioum,... Hunger is the best seasoning.

  24. i usualy eat it once every 2or 3 weeks

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