
How many times a week do you have a Takeaway?

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How many times a week do you have a Takeaway?




  1. I don't. Maybe I have one once every 6 months sometimes not even that

  2. Never ....... we only eat 'real' food in this house. My wife and I share the cooking chores.

  3. rarely. Almost never. But occasionally i'll buy a drink from there- the food is horrible for your health. The fast food industries around here built they're success on lies, and poor management. You never REALLY know what your eating in those situations. I prefer to just cook my own food- or go to a trusted, preferablly vegan restaraunt.

  4. Once at the most.

    Need to save on the pounds (both types lol)

  5. Toooooo many!!

  6. i have a KFC as many times as i can in a week

  7. About once a year.

  8. Maybe once on the weekends, normally once a fortnight tho.

  9. I have never had one in my life.

  10. one a month there not too good at all

  11. once, if that

  12. sorry but takeaway is the food of the gods,i have it about 3 times a week indian,turkish kebab and chinise yum yum.

  13. used to have usually once a week, but started new diet today so no takeaways for me

  14. Once or twice a month

  15. once a monthish at home

    at uni...hmm. twice a week minimum, then add on every drunk trip to the kebab shop..

  16. i never have Takeaways they make me feel ill :)

  17. On average one every three months

  18. a few years ago it used to be probably twice a week no its 3 times amonth tops

  19. 4 times a week,

  20. twice! its bad!

  21. Once...grilled chicken or pizza

  22. Probly More Than I Should

  23. Just a couple of times a year.

  24. I don't.  I hate the way I feel after eating them, really weighed down and just 'urgh'.

  25. None

  26. none times a week....haha but it's true

  27. Maybe once, every two weeks.

  28. Zero

  29. Usually once, but sometimes twice, lol.

  30. Rarely. I only ever go through drive throughs every 1-2 months and haven't ordered a pizza in about 6 months or more. If you want a nice slim figure, avoid those foods as much as possible - or else the pounds will pile on fast! (believe me - check the nutrition counter for Pizza Hut for example I'm not joking)

  31. About twice a month at the most, the last time we had a pizza we were all sick!

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