
How many times a week do you have s*x?

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We usually do it about once a week, give or take a time or 2. Hubby says we don't do it enough - so I'm wondering how often everyone else does it? I don't have the time OR energy to do it every night like he'd like to! We have 3 little kids.




  1. My husband and i make love 2-3 times a week.

  2. Girl you too I thought I was the only one. We have three kids too and hope we haven't made 4. We do it at least 3 times a week 4 if I have the energy. Vitamins and energy drinks.:)

  3. If i had the choice i would do it everyday, but we both have busy schedules, we are on different shifts, we have a fourteen month old baby, and most of the time i'm told the timing is not right. So to answer your question i would say when i'm lucky its usually once a week. Ahh and it's usually timed and i have to stop when the time is up.  

  4. Once a day, sometimes twice.  But we're not typical

  5. I'm envious.  I'm lucky if I get to have it once a week.  I've never been in a relationship where I had it as often as I wanted it.

  6. not gonna help much...

    but my bf and i are waiting till were married to have s*x

  7. about 5 times give r take

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