
How many times a week do you think you should train in an art.

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I heard that ougoing more then3 times a week to a martial arts class is bad. Do you agree




  1. if u want to be good do 48 hours a weeks  

  2. Depends. An average person trains about 2-3 times a week.

  3. Honestly, I don't feel there is a correct answer to this.  Training should be done because one wants to not because one feels they should.  Whether that means you train once, twice or seven days a week- it doesn't matter.  What is most important is that when you do train you make the most out of it that you can.  

  4. Depends on which worthless TMA you're taking. Or if you're training MMA, as many times and as long as you can. More than three times a week being bad is absurd. I've trained more than three times in a day before.


  5. Well thats for advanced martial artists. I train 5 days a week 5 hours each day but an average martial artist should train 3 times a week and 5 hours each.

  6. it depends on how hard you train and what sort of stuff you train if you do a really tough work out then 3 times a week should be max but if you only do a pretty hard work out once or twice a week then practice technique or learn to get out of holds etc other days it is fine to train everyday. but if you can handle working really hard every day you can do that to u just need to have time when your body can recover.

  7. at least 1 the most 3

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