
How many times a week does your family eat fast food?

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How many times a week does your family eat fast food?




  1. well I cook fast...does that count?  but if you were referring to like micky d's or somethign...maybe 3-4 times a thats like once a week

  2. My family: about once every three weeks.

    Me: about 1-2 times a week.

  3. How about NEVER and We don"t want to end up like american fatty's...

    Have a nice day!

  4. cant even remember when i've seen my family members eat fast food...

    im honestly the only one who eats fast food in my family  

  5. I'm single but my dogs and I share a couple of sausage Mcgriddle sandwiches every couple of weeks.  That would be it for my fast food adventures.  

  6. Me: 0.

    My wife: 2

    My son: idk? 1?

    so, um? maybe twice, three times out of 63 meals, so...

  7. we don't eat fast food but we do go out for dinner on tuesdays ,to a little family owned italian place ,for a pizza and a salad. and of course a good cold beer =0)

  8. never...but i eat crappy stuff like noodles all the time, its probably the only thing i like at the minute

  9. We hardly eat fast food. My mum prefers to cook herself

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