
How many times a week ???

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do you eat fast food?

where do you eat the most?




  1. Never. The closest it comes to fast food is maybe going to a decent sit down sushi restaurant on Saturday or maybe Outback for Salmon.

  2. I eat fast food once or twice a month and everytime its somewhere different.

  3. No fast food.  Maybe twice a month to a sit down lunch/dinner with friends...the choice of cuisine is pretty varied (Ethiopian, Indian, sushi, italian, singaporean, chinese....etc)

  4. like twice a week

  5. do you eat fast food? Once - I'm watching my gurlish figure LMAO

    where do you eat the most? Micky D's

  6. Almost never.  If I do it is Sonic or take out mexican.

  7. once every 3 weeks and i will only eat wendys

  8. Pizza and chinese....probably once/week delivered. I also like "noodles..." A restaurant where they make pasta dishes...yum, yum!!!

  9. Probably 1 time a week, and yes I do eat fast food, and where is probably Carl's Jr.

  10. almost never


    it's recommended that you eat fast food at the most 2-3 times a month!

  11. about 2 times a week and it normally is Chinese food.

  12. Maybe 1x a week. Olive Garden

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