
How many times a week should you clean a horses stable?

by  |  earlier

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the stable that my 1st horse is going to live in a stable that it can freely go in or out




  1. If the horse shut up in the stall at night (or whatever) muck it out once a day.  If it's a pasture horse (pasture access 24/7) a few times a week should suffice unless your horse is one of those that just likes to relieve itself in its stall.  My horse always goes out of the stall (she's a pasture horse) to relieve herself unless it's raining, so the stall itself stays pretty clean.

  2. Once a day a horse's stall should be cleaned.  This means taking the wet stuff out, putting sweet lime on the stall bottom once the wet shavings have been removed.  When the stall looks low in shavings, add more.

  3. You should clean a stable once or twice a day. think of it this way how would you like to stand in your own muck! EEEWWWW horses think the same way.

  4. 7-14.. aka 1 to 2x a day. They don't stand in their own waste in nature, they shouldn't be forced to in their stall. Better for their feet, health, etc..

  5. id say daily cause if not flys wil get in there and they will bother your poor horse

  6. You realy should clean it every day or atleast every other day.

  7. at least once a day if you dont want the headache of a nasty stall to clean. i used to clean my two stalls 1-2 times a day.

  8. At least once a day.

  9. 2 times a day or once a day once in the moring and once in the evening if possible

  10. If you fork the poo and wet shavings out daily, it's a much easier task.

  11. At least once a day, depends how much time he spends in. twice a day if he's in a lot. ( morning and night)

  12. i clean mine out twice a day if my horses are stayin in... you can use  a pitch fork and clean their p**p up and this should be done daily so  that their feet will stay heathy.

  13. daily if you can. if you can't for one day, then make sure you can the next day. it's better for their hooves, health, etc. they don't have to live in it in the wild, so don't force them to now.

  14. At least daily.  I only have one horse that is confined to his stall every night and his stall gets cleaned every morning so he doesn't have to go back into a stall in the evening with manure all over the place.  I have donkey that is confined to his stall and attached run every night.  He chooses to p**p in his run, I pick that up every morning too.  The other two horses have free access to their stall and small paddocks.  They never p**p in their stalls unless the weather is really crappy.

    There is no excuse except laziness for leaving manure in a horse's stall for more than it takes to notice it is there.

    Horses are very clean animals and will not eat or sleep where they p**p if they have a choice.  Should I ever have to confine a horse to his stall all day it gets cleaned at least three times during the day.

  15. 1-2 times per day, it ends up getting overwhelmed with flies, and p**p.  It's also better for their hooves and health.

    Would you like to live in your c**p?

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