
How many times a week would you need checkups if you had all of these medical issues?

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my friend is writing a book about a girl who is14 who has phystic fibrosis, azhma, allergies, and paralyzed legs. Would the girl have to go to the doctors everyday after school for a checkup or would it only be like twice a week? i'm helping her get all the information for her book so if anyone can help me out with this information i would gladly appreciate it.




  1. Having worked in groups home with people with many of the afflictions you've described, I can say that NONE of them went to the doctor twice a week unless there was something acutely wrong with them, such as an infection. They would only see their doctor for regular checkups, certainly not more than once a month. For someone with cystic fibrosis, if they are having to see a doctor that often, they would likely be hospitalized due to the lung infections that would be the cause of their distress...

    Also, for someone with CF, asthma, and allergies, it is unlikely that they would still be alive at the age of 14. Again, if their affliction is bad enough to see the doctor even once per week, they would almost certainly be hospitalized.

    Why is she paralyzed? CF doesn't cause paralysis, it is a lung affliction...

    Hope this helps...

  2. i would say twice a week

    plz answer mine

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