
How many times are you going to repeat your back to school outfit throughout the semester or year?

by  |  earlier

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My parents want me to wear it more than once because the whole outfit was really expensive.




  1. I am way too old for school, but I couldn't let this question go by me with out wondering how you can afford not to wear it more than one time. I didn't know there was a rule about not wearing your back to school outfit again. You must come from a wealthy family as when I went to school we wore an out fit until it wore out or we out grew it. LOL  I can't blame your parents for wanting you to wear it again. We were expected to wear ours over and over again!!! Hope this gives you a good laugh and sorry I really don't know the correct answer for school these days. I bet you never had to wear Hand Me Downs either!!!!

  2. Usually when  I wear the same outfit that I wore for Back to School, I wear it during the spring time or just wear it for a special occasion.

  3. .........Uh, of course you're going to wear it more than once. Unless you guys have tons of money (which I'm guessing you don't, since they're telling you how expensive it was.)

    Sorry,but you need to stop being such a brat

  4. Well dont wear the whole outfit when you next

    wear it. Try it with something different, maybe if

    it were pants, make it go with another of your

    shirts and so on. But I think you should start

    repeating your clothes when you stop looking

    at other peoples outfits and remembering when

    they last wore it :] -thats what I do!  

  5. jeans never go out of style.. so i already had a few pairs, bought a few more. tshirts are cheap. i just buy jeans and tshirts and mix and match them throughout the semester.

    honestly.. keeping it simple and not over thinking it.. thats the best way to go

    but girls will be girls

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