
How many times are you having xmas dinner?

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I've had turkey at end of term already, and then on xmas day. That will be twice!




  1. 3.  Once for the work's do, then at home on Christmas Day, then my mum's for Boxing Day

  2. depends on how many christmas parties you plan to attend. if ul attend 2, then 2 dinners. if 3, then 3 dinners. although the later it gets, the less you eat.

  3. twice - Christmas Day and Boxing Day

    (boxing day always seems to be better for some reason)

  4. Just once

  5. Once, on Christmas Day.

  6. Just the once this year!

  7. just once on xmas day thank god

  8. once on christmas day x

  9. I am invited to my daughter in law's great grandparents on Christmas Eve.  There will be about 30 +people there, the grandparents, their children, grandchildren & great grandchildren.  I am invited every year, the family have a German origin and the food is absolutely splendid.  Enough food for about 50 easily.  Very generous.  They have gifts for everyone to the very newest great grandchild (even if the infant is not due to be born for a few months).

    No turkey.  Every other variety of meats.

    I will serve Christmas dinner on Christmas day for 3 of my elderly neighbours.  This will be in the afternoon.

    No turkey.  Rock Cornish Hens.

    I guess the real answer is twice.

  10. Once !

  11. 3 times

    My  Parents on Christmas Eve ( W/ siblings and my Nieces & Newphews)

    My house  on Christmas Day ( My Children and Spouse)

    Then finially at my Grandmas ( Mothers side) which is usually that following Sat. ( W/ My aunts and Uncles and couisins)

  12. I always lose count lol.

    I've got one tomorrow, thursday, friday.

    Next week I've got one on christmas eve, then christmas day, then boxing day.

    I'm going to be looking like a bloody roast dinner by new year!

  13. 2  One at mine and one maybe at my friend's or boyfriend's house.

  14. What has it got to do with you how many times I have Christmas dinner?

  15. Once i start dec 25th and finnish jan the 1st.

  16. Once

  17. NONE!

    it is Christmas?

    not xmas?

  18. once, feels more special

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