
How many times (breeders)?

by  |  earlier

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What is the average amount of times a mare will be covered (AI) before she is scanned in foal?

Once, being one cycle etc. (sorry if I'm confusing anyone)

What steps can be taken to improve fertility and chances on conceiving in an older barren mare?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.




  1. Live cover is less of a science, but AI can pretty much be accomplished with a couple of times, especially if you have a good vet that knows what he is doing.  

  2. Well have your vet come out and moniter the sizes of her folicals. Depeding on the mare the size should be around 40-45. Then you breed her, the next day you can check to see if she ovulated, the vet I work with dosnt need the US for this. 14 days out they check again this is important because if there are twins they can only be pinched before day 17.  Then at 21, 45, and 60 days. Then you don't need to worry until she get closer to her due date.  

  3. depends how good the vet is, or whoever is doing the AI

    and also depends on the horse, i've had horses go anywhere from 1 to fifteen!!!!

    i'd say two or three should get the job done

  4. Each mare is an individual.  I've had mares that caught the first time cycle (We live covered every other day until the mare went out.) and some took 3 or more cycles to catch if at all.

    Just like people, each one's different.

    With A/I, just once again depends upon the mare.  If the folicle is ready and you insert the sperm, then normally, you should have a foal with the next check.

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