
How many times can a Pennsylvania sutdent with an IEP be suspended from school?

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How many times can a Pennsylvania sutdent with an IEP be suspended from school?




  1. I don't think that the IEP would have anything to do with that, unless there is some sort of accommodation that prohibits suspension as a form of behavior modification.  If you feel like something is wrong, talk to a counselor at the school or an advocate that can help you understand your rights.

  2. 10 days is the max days a student with an IEP can be suspended before a manifestations is held. Then the IEP must determine if the behaviors are a pattern and/ or a manifestation of the student's disability. If the student's behavior is a manifestation of his disability then he can no longer be suspended for those behaviors. If the behaviors are determined not to be a result of his disability then the school can continue to apply discipline to the student like they would any other student.

  3. jade is right . after 10 days out,... the school system can and usually will offer you a change of placement (another school)  if the behaviors are a manifestation of your diagnosis or disability.

  4. As many times as necessary, until mommy gets off her   A S S   and starts being a parent.

  5. Per IDEA:  10 days of suspension before a manifestation determination review (MDR) is required is correct UNLESS the dangerousness exception applies.  If your child has violated a code of student conduct in a manner that includes weapons, drugs or substantial bodily injury he may be alternatively placed for up to 45 days.  Check the Pennsylvania state special education regulations for any additional state information.  If they are like most states, they'll be posted on the Department of Education website and you can simply search for "discipline" or "suspension" in the document.  

    If the MDR determines that the behavior leading to the suspension is not a manifestation of his disability, he may be disciplined the same as any other student.  If the MDR determines the behavior is a manifestation of a disability, a functional behavioral assessment (FBA) should be done, and a behavior improvement plan (BIP) should become part of his IEP.  

    There is some debate about what constitutes suspension, but your question leads me to believe that he is being suspended out-of-school and for whole days, for which each day does count as a suspension day.

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