
How many times can a phone ring before caller ID shows your name? 1/2 a ring....1 ring...2 rings?

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How many times can a phone ring before caller ID shows your name? 1/2 a ring....1 ring...2 rings?




  1. only 1 ring, and some phones pick it up right away, thats how my phone is and mine is a Uniden

  2. It depends on your phone and your connection. Sometimes it depends on how many phones you have.

    Either way, if it is taking too long, dont call the phone company, there isnt anything they can do about it, it all comes down to wiring/telephone circumstances.

  3. 2nd ring.

    It is actually transmitted to your phone between 1st and 2nd ring.

    So, by the 2nd ring you see the ID.

    If you answer before 2nd ring, you will not get it.

  4. Well for sure mine is the instant irt rings, even before it actually rings at my end.

    I know this as once in the past I had just put my phone down from a call and before I could look away the new callers name (I have everyone I know stored in my landline phones phone book) came up about a millisecond before my phone rung. Most of the time as soon as the phone rings I look to see who it is (I work from home so phone is always handy) and the name of person or number is always displayed instantly.

    You have to remember when you yourself ring someone you connect before it connects to their phone so thast hpow the caller display is instantaneous.

    Also, if folk havent got caller display they can always dial 1471 and that gives you the time and number of last person called so there is no way around having your number on display for malicious calls which I think is a good thing unless you withold yoru number:(

  5. It all depends on what kind of phone you got. the connection you got and where the call is coming from. Sometimes its just the caller ID that takes a few seconds.

  6. i think 2

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