
How many times can one be over or short on the day's transactions before they're fired?

by Guest33968  |  earlier

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How many times can one be over or short on the day's transactions before they're fired?




  1. Check your employee manual.

    where I work- one- depends on the situation.Ask yourself this

    Are you a good employee? By good I mean following the rules,working diligently, being pleasant.  This means to customers and staff.

    You can probably answer that yourself.

    Also I would suggest you be careful about how you phrase that if you ask your boss. It sounds like you are planning on skimming the till.

  2. it varies with the job. Also, how much you were over or under.

  3. This question is so funny because it has happened to me a lot. I work at a major supermarket and it's always busy. The very first incident I was short like $80.00 it was a complete mix-up with this older lady, the other incident I was unfortunate enough to come across a fake $100.00 bill. And the other major one I was like $20.00 short and that I cannot explain for nothing..the only thing I could say is they were probably stuck together when I was giving someone change LOL. And just tonight I was SHORT $2.00, and I'm pretty sure it's cause I didn't count my drawer well the night before because I was $2.00 OVER last night...LOL The only reason I believe I'm still there is because all the customers like me cause I know how to deal with ppl. All the other cashiers get into arguments and cuss out the customers like every d**n day! I've only been there in Jan..and I've never even raised my voice to anybody..So I guess that's what saved my *** all this time...Really good customer service skills LMAO!! And just in case ur wondering...they never even bothered to take the money back from me..they said they were just innocent mistakes. I think if u know in ur own mind and heart that u didn't take any money, it'll show through and they will trust and believe you...

  4. Depends on the job. My last job, a lady was always over or under on a daily basis. Sometimes it was $.50 and other times it would be $20.00.

    She never got fired. I'd say it depends on who you know, because that was her case...friends with the one in charge.

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