
How many times can you smoke pot to be even considered for the FBI?

by  |  earlier

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How many times can you smoke marijuana to be able to pass the polygraph to be accepted into the FBI academy...because I can't remember how many times I did it in my freshman year of college, because I did it sporadically...but my friend said it was at least 7. If I don't know, or am unsure will I be able to pass the polygraph?




  1. Don't lie and you can pass a polygraph.  As long as you haven't smoked in the past 30 days they can't hold it against you just don't lie.

  2. "Oh". You'd be surprised how much pot you have to smoke before the FBI will even look at you to consider your application.

    I've known people who had to go back to the drawing boards and smoke about 50 more pounds in the next 6 months before the FBI would even recognize their existence.

    F. ire it up

    B. ongs

    I. nsisted upon

    Its a closely guarded secret. Be careful.

    If it were not that I'm useing a public library computer, I would be secretly assassinated for telling you the true meaning of F.B.I.

  3. They got rid of the 15x maximum rule about a year ago. Now they only care if you've smoked in the past 3 years I think.

    They got rid of the 15x rule just because of cases like yours- people couldn't pass the polygraph because they didn't remember if they'd smoked 15x or 16x, etc. Just tell the truth about everything, I don't think they actually even ask about the # of times anymore. Good luck:)

    here are a couple articles on the rule change

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