
How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?

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How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?




  1. just once :D

  2. Once.

    Because after that you would be subtracting 5 from 20, not 25.  

  3. uno times

  4. Indefinitely... You can subtract 5 from 25 as many times as you want!!  You can do it every day, you can do it every minute, you can do it first thing in the morning, the last thing every night.  I'm doing it right now, I may do it again later, I may keep doing it until I die... who knows, that may be my purpose in life.

  5. 5 or may just one cuz in 25 there is only one five

  6. once. then it's 20

  7. Once. After that your subtracting it from 20

  8. As many times as you like... It's not like how many times can you subtract 5  from the total of 25. There is no constraint on the resultant number, it can be -5, -10, ..., -5000, ...

    If you want to make a word game, then, perhaps "once":)))

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