
How many times did Brett Favre lose to Troy Aikman's Dallas Cowboys???

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I know in the 90's Troy Aikman's teams with "prime time"

Deon Sanders, Emmit Smith& Michael Irvin (ahhhh the good ole days of the nfl) owned Favre & he could not beat them in Texas Stadium.. I do remember they eliminated the packers 3 yrs in a row from playoffs,They owned favre! but how many times did they beat him??




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  2. Favre is 0-8 at Texas Stadium.

    He is however 2-0 against Dallas at Lambeu, but by the time the Cowboys went up to Lambeu they were well past their prime.

    Favre was very unacheiving at Texas Stadium, sure the Cowboys had great teams, but Brett found ways to loose to Dallas in games where Troy Aikman was out, he even lost to Dallas in a Playoff game where Blair Thomas was the RB as Emmitt Smith was hurt.

  3. Favre is 0-9 all time at Texas Stadium, but this includes 1994 and 1999 games when Jason Garrett was the quarterback; and last year's win when he was knocked out of the game before halftime.

    Troy Aikman beat the Packers in 1991 (pre-Favre), 1993 regular season and playoffs, 1994 playoffs (Garrett won the Thanksgiving Game), 1995 regular season and playoffs, and 1996 regular season. That's seven times for Aikman; with one loss at Green Bay in 1997. Aikman also lost to the Packers in 1989, his rookie year.

  4. .

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