
How many times did it take you to get positive result on a HPT??

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I was just wondering how many time it took using a HPT to get a positive result??? I have tested once and it was negative but i am 9 days late... so i am going to wait another week....

just curious on others experiences

my partner and I are on edge waiting to find out.




  1. another week should do it if you are pregnant it could be you just don't have enough hcg built up to detect on a urine test yet but you could always go have a blood test done but sometimes it takes more  than one

  2. First test came up positive and it was 4 days before my missed period.

  3. well it was 2 days b 4 my miss period and i got a pos.

  4. With my daughter I was 11 days late before getting a positive, testing negative at 9 days late. Some women test later than others. There are women who never get a positive on a home test and have to go to the doctor for a blood test to get a positive. Good luck!

  5. Just once.  

  6. All my tests were positive when I was pregnant and negative when I wasn't. I never got a false negative or false positive

  7. I started TTC in Dec 07. AF was 2 weeks & I tested 5 days, 10 days but negative results & she finally showed up after 2 weeks.

    AF was 4 days late this time & I tested positive in early Sep. Currently 4w & 6d preggo.

    If your HPT is negative after AF is overdue by 9 days, I suggest you to do a blood test at the doctor. HPT can pick up the hormones when AF is overdue. Good luck to you

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